- What is a Solo Travel Award?
A “Solo Travel Award” is a recognition to Nepali Travellers who exhibit exceptional passion, courage, and a sense of adventure in their solo travel journeys. This award celebrates the remarkable experiences and accomplishments of those who choose to explore the world on their own terms.
- What is a Solo Travel Award?
- What are the awards for winners?
Two Winners (male and female category) will receive an award and reward worth 2 lakhs and more. In cash and kind.
- What are the awards for winners?
- Who are eligible to apply?
If you’re 18 or older, hold Nepali citizenship, and identify as either male or female, you can apply for the respective category.
Can a group of friends travel together and participate as a team?
You know what they say, “Solo” is where the magic happens! This award is all about celebrating the awesomeness of individual travellers, those who embrace their own path and create unique stories. So, let your wanderlust lead the way, because this is your solo spotlight to shine!
- Who are eligible to apply?
How do I apply for this award?
Once you have travelled between August 1, 2023 and May 30, 2024, you will be required to fill up an online application form, which we will open in Dec 2023. -
Should one travel before participating?
Yes, you should have travelled in order to participate. -
Do I need to travel solo all the time?
Yes, but travelling alone doesn’t imply being isolated. It provides opportunities to meet and connect with diverse people, sharing experiences, and engaging in captivating travel stories throughout the journey. -
When & Where do I have to travel?
You can travel anywhere in Nepal or abroad between 1st August 2023 & 30th May 2024. -
How long should the travel duration be?
There is no limit on the duration of your travel; longer, the better. It doesn’t have to be in one go; explore far and wide, from seas to mountains, embrace adventure and let your wanderlust thrive. We’re not here to dictate your travel style. However, only travels occurring between August 1, 2023 to May 30, 2024 will be considered valid for this award . -
I was born and raised in Nepal, but I don’t have a Nepali citizenship, due to Nepal’s citizenship regulations. Am I still eligible to apply?
Absolutely! We’re just aiming to confirm your Nepali identity and your presence within the country. We’ve got a bunch of ways to do that– library cards, relationship certificates with family, your birth certificate, and more. So don’t let this hold you back! -
Do I have to travel in Nepal only or abroad also counts?
You’re free to explore Nepal and other countries. Just keep in mind, we’d love to see you spend at least a month in Nepal too. -
What kind of travel is expected? Is it limited to trekking, or can it be any kind of travel experience?
We’re all about variety! There is no particular genre of travelling one has to do to win this award. Travelling includes a wide range of experiences, not limited to just trekking. It can be just trekking, cycling, backpacking and much more or a combination of the above. Only Recommendation: Travel further and longer, make it creative and adventurous. -
Do I have to take videos, document my travel?
While it’s not mandatory, they do validate the legitimacy of your travels. Photos, videos, daily notes and blogs/vlogs will play an important role later in the selection process. It’s your stage – show it in your style! -
Will my previous travel experiences count?
Your previous travel stories can add a special touch to your creative journey. Just remember, if your travel was before August 1, 2023, it won’t be considered this time around. Let’s focus on fresh tales! -
If I’m traveling already, how can I incorporate this travel for this competition?
If you’re already on a journey, you’re off to a great start! Keep soaking in those travel moments and save your receipts, tickets, and other proofs. Oh, and when you share your travel journey, you can use these hashtags #iamanepalitraveller #solotravelaward #nepalitravellers. Don’t forget to tag us on social media too. Let’s spread the travel vibes together! -
Should the travel be budget friendly or can it be luxurious?
As travel enthusiasts ourselves, we understand the excitement of budget planning and the mix of feelings that come with it. If you prefer luxury, things might be easier but perhaps a bit less thrilling. So, we’re here to encourage you to lean into budget-friendly choices. It’s a whole different kind of awesome! -
What do I need to include in my application?
We’ve got you covered – we’ll be sharing all the nitty-gritty details about what to include in your application. Stay tuned! -
What are the selection/evaluation criteria to win?
Application forms will be available by December, 2023. The top 20 from each category will be short-listed for the interview round based on their applications. Following this, the top 5 individuals from each category ( 5 exceptional women and 5 amazing men) will be selected and be given workshops and prepare for the final award ceremony. Winners will be determined through a combination of jury and public voting during the ceremony. The selection criteria will include factors such as the uniqueness of experiences, the impact of your journey, storytelling abilities, your budget smarts, cultural engagement, environmental consciousness, and overall inspiration provided by the traveler. -
Will the organiser have the copyright of the contents that I provide?
As an organiser we will have the copyright of the contents that you provide. However, our priority is to ensure your comfort and confidence. We’ll be transparent about the specific content we’ll have ownership of, using it thoughtfully to amplify the impact of this exciting project. -
Will the organiser support participants in any way, like providing funds, gears, or training?
While we won’t be giving direct financial support during your travels, here’s the scoop: we’re arranging fun monthly meetups from September. This way, you can swing by and have a direct chat with us to get your doubts cleared up. We’re all ears! -
Are there any meetups or guidance sessions for participants?
Yes! We’re planning to have monthly travel meetups where you can hop in, connect with our team, and dive deeper into understanding this competition. Keep an eye out for more details coming your way. -
Should I be present in Nepal during the final competition period?
We believe having you physically present is super valuable. It’s the best way for us to fully immerse ourselves in your travel experiences and truly understand your journey. So, yes, being here in Nepal during the final competition is an important part of our exciting journey together. -
Is this award the same as Swo-Yatra or Solo Women Travel Challenge?
Not quite. We won’t be covering your travel expenses this time. Instead, we’re looking for two wanderers who’ve explored between August 1st, 2023 and May 30th, 2024. These chosen travelers will be honored with the “Solo Travel Award”. Plus, remember, this competition is open for both females and males. -
I live abroad. Do I need to travel in Nepal during the stated duration, or can I just travel abroad only?
While you have the flexibility to explore both within and outside Nepal. However, to ensure a well-rounded understanding of your travel experiences, we do request that you spend at least 1-2 weeks traveling within Nepal. This way, we’re able to capture the perspective of travelers who are familiar with the unique experiences and landscapes within the country. It adds depth to your journey and gives us a broader picture of your travel narrative. So, while your international adventures are exciting, don’t forget to immerse yourself in the charm of Nepal as well. -
What’s the timeline for the selection process and announcing winners? When can participants expect to know the results?
We will put together a separate FAQs section where we’ll provide all the details about the application process. -
What kind of impact are you expecting from the winners after they’re chosen? Are there any expectations or responsibilities for the winners after they’re selected?
We’re envisioning a significant impact on the chosen winners themselves. The recognition they will receive is a tool for them to get inspired and continue their passion further. We firmly believe, their continued dedication to travel is already a win for us. -
Is there a limit to the number of applications a person can submit? Can someone submit multiple travel experiences for consideration, or is it limited to one entry per person?
Each person can submit a single form that accommodates all your relevant journeys. Plus, you can save and edit your entries before final submission. So, don’t hold back in showcasing your adventures! -
Are there any specific guidelines for the creative content shared, such as photos or videos? Are there any requirements for the quality or format of the creative content that participants share?
We’ll provide you with a helpful outline for presenting your travel stories, regardless of the medium you choose to use in our dedicated FAQs for the Application process.
Note: We’re working diligently on finalizing the criteria update for NRN (Non-Resident Nepali) participants. Stay tuned for that.